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Who is Republican George Santos? (2023)

Republican George Santos

With the support of 31 Democrats and the majority of Republicans, Republican George Santos easily won a vote on Wednesday to be removed from the House pending the outcome of his criminal prosecution and an inquiry by the House Ethics Committee.

Republicans in New York, who are keen to disassociate themselves from a colleague who is notorious for creating his life narrative and is accused of stealing from participants, lying to Congress, and receiving unemployment benefits he does not deserve, spearheaded the drive to remove Santos from the House.

However, the resolution did not receive the necessary two-thirds of the vote. In the end, there were 213 votes against and 179 in favor of expulsion, indicating that supporters could not even win a simple majority.

To prevail, several Republican lawmakers would have needed to defy recently elected Speaker Mike Johnson, who has maintained that Santos ought to receive a trial. Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, also recently stated to Fox News that “that’s a problem” if members of Congress are to be expelled for being accused of a crime or violation.

A few Democrats expressed apprehensions of surpassing the Ethics Committee, which released an uncommon memorandum the previous day, highlighting the extent of its inquiry, which involved reaching out to approximately 40 witnesses and issuing 37 subpoenas. Additionally, it stated that by November 17, the committee’s investigation’s next actions would be publicized.

I believe that due process is still in place. After the vote, Santos remarked, “I think there are enough colleagues on both sides of the aisle who understand that.”

It is uncommon that Congress has used the harshest penalty available. In its entire existence, the House has only expelled five members: three during the Civil War and two following their convictions for public corruption. The House expelling Santos before the outcome of his federal court appeal would be a historic move.

Still, a few Republicans declared they had had enough of Santos. Rep. Steve Womack, a Republican from Arkansas, stated that while he supports due process, he also feels that Santos misled New York voters and that they never would have chosen him if they had “known the true George Santos.”

“The Santos charade does not need to continue until the 2024 election cycle. According to Womack, Congress must act right away.

Only the members of the congressional delegation from New York participated in the House floor discussion over Santos’ possible resignation. Republican representatives Anthony D’Esposito, Nick LaLota, and Mike Lawler presented their case for Santos’ expulsion on one side of the debate.

D’Esposito declared, “Mr. Santos is a disgrace to this institution and unfit to represent his constituents in the House of Representatives.”

Santos, on the other hand, urged lawmakers to postpone expulsion, arguing that deciding without following the proper procedures would foster mistrust.

Rep. Dan Goldman was the only Democratic lawmaker to speak throughout the discussion. According to him, the only reason the New York Republicans were spearheading the campaign at this point was because Santos “hangs like an albatross around the necks of every single Republican from New York,” and he should have been expelled in May when Democrats filed an expulsion motion.

Goldman stated, “They don’t care anymore about integrity, morality, or this institution’s reputation than they did when they voted to protect Mr. Santos in May.” “They know that their support for George Santos will cause problems, but all that matters to them is their reelection in a year.”

Santos is facing a number of allegations in federal court, which the New York Republicans outlined in their expulsion resolution. They claimed the charges demonstrated Santos committed major financial fraud during his 2022 House race. According to the resolution, he is “not fit to serve his constituents as United States Representative” and misled them about his background.

LaLota stated that Mr. Santos had stated that removing him from this body before he is legally tried and found guilty would set a new precedent that would have detrimental effects for future generations. With all due respect, Mr. Speaker, I disagree. The implications and precedents of not dismissing him for his fraud and deceit could endanger this institution much more.

Republicans led by California Speaker Kevin McCarthy avoided the Democratic-led attempt to remove Santos in May. House Republicans unitedly supported the move to postpone taking action on Santos’ behavior, even though 204 Democrats voted against it. The motion was intended to report the subject to the House Ethics Committee.

Despite the numerous accusations leveled against the congressman, Johnson, who assumed the speakership last week, stated unequivocally that he would prefer not to remove Santos at this time because he finds it difficult to maintain a very narrow majority.

He’s just been accused. Nothing has been found against him. The GOP’s Republican George Santos, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, expressed his opposition to the expulsion measure by saying, “We have due process in America.”

Democrats were also less united than they had been in the previous attempt to remove Santos from office.

Representative Jim Himes, a Democrat from Connecticut who voted against expulsion, tweeted, “Neither the Ethics Committee nor the courts have finished adjudicating this.” One is assumed innocent in our nation until one is PROVEN guilty. Not an exception.

Republican congressman from New York, Rep. Marc Molinaro, who backed the campaign to expunge the member, predicted that the delegation would bring up the matter once the Ethics Committee released the results of its inquiry.

“I believe the findings will be made public shortly, and it will be evident that he ought to be removed from Congress,” he declared.

Santos is prosecuted in federal court on 23 counts. The date of his trial is set for September of the following year. To those accusations, he has entered a not guilty plea.

Democrats canceled their attempt to censure Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., while the House voted down a bid to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., also on Wednesday night.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Republican George Santos?

Republican George Santos is a political figure who previously held a seat in the United States House of Representatives. He represented New York's 3rd Congressional District and was a member of the Republican Party. He served during the 117th Congress. Please note that my information is based on data available up to January 2022, and I recommend checking the latest news or official sources for the most current information about George Santos.

What is George Santos known for?

George Santos is known for his role as a Republican representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was elected to represent the constituents of New York's 3rd Congressional District, where he worked on various legislative matters and represented the interests of his constituents.

What are some key policy positions associated with George Santos?

George Santos, as a Republican, likely supported conservative positions on various policy issues. These positions may include advocating for limited government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and a free-market approach to the economy. Specific policy stances can vary among individual politicians, so it's advisable to refer to his official statements and voting record for precise details.

Is George Santos still in office?

As of my last update in January 2022, George Santos served in the 117th Congress. However, his current status may have changed since then. To find out if he is still in office or if there have been any developments in his political career, please check the latest news or official sources.

How can I get in touch with or learn more about George Santos?

To contact or learn more about George Santos, you can visit his official website or social media profiles, if available. Additionally, you can refer to official government websites or contact the relevant authorities in New York for the most up-to-date information and ways to reach out to him.

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