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Top 10 Oldest Religion

Top 10 Oldest Religion

Religion is one of the main tenets of world culture. It affects the political domains, class systems, identities, and traditions of modern states. But to understand religion, one must look into its ancient origins. Some of the world’s oldest religions date just to the 15th century, while others go back over 5,000 years! The ten oldest religions in the world are as follows:

1. Hinduism

Top 10 Oldest Religion

Hinduism, which dates back to roughly 1,500 B.C., is extensively practiced in South Asian countries like India. In reality, more than 4 out of 5 Indians say they practice Hinduism. Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions, predating Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other faiths.

The notion of dharma, which promotes the practice of morality and ethics, is the foundation of Hinduism. Dharma is the ultimate principle that controls both cosmic and social processes. The caste system in Hinduism separates social classes into multiple groups. It also promotes the usage of a variety of symbols, like the Om, which denotes a sacred sound, and the swastika, which represents wealth.

Also influenced by the ideas of samsara and karma is Hinduism. Samsara is the collective word for reincarnation, whereas karma is the law of causes and consequences. There is no one sacred book or recognized founder of Hinduism. However, many works also include lectures and hymns from sacred sources like the Vedas.


Hindus worship many gods who are descended from their one main god, Lord Brahma, as well. Hindus hold that the universe and everything in it were created by Brahma. But two more well-known gods that Brahma is usually compared to are Vishnu and Shiva.

Lord Vishnu is the god who protects everything, whereas Shiva is the god who destroys everything in order to restore everything. Finally, Hindus believe that all living things have souls or atman. In Hinduism, cows are regarded as the most sacred animal. As a result, many Hindus are vegetarians and refuse to eat beef or pork.

2. Judaism & Yahwism

The second-oldest monotheistic religion in existence is Judaism. Under the name of Jews, there are roughly 15 million followers. Christianity and Judaism can be compared to one another. Israel’s official religion today is Judaism, one of the oldest faiths with a roughly 4,000-year history.

The religious teachings of Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism, one of the oldest religions in the world. Jews are monotheistic in their beliefs. The worship of idols is forbidden in this faith.

Judaism originated from Yahwism, a faith that was followed by the Hebrew people more than 4,000 years ago. Yahwism began when Yahweh told Abraham to create a nation of people.

His grandson Jacob and son Isaac each made a contribution to the establishment of the dynasty, which influenced and would continue to influence the lives of the Hebrews for many years to come. These folks eventually became the Israelites’ forebears.

Their sole God, Yahweh, created the universe. Judaism originated in the Middle East, although it has spread over time to many other countries and regions. Its main home is in Israel, the Promised Land of the Hebrews.

Although Christianity is a branch of Judaism, its adherents also worship Yahweh and Jesus Christ, who are the father and son of the glorious Trinity and They founded the first monotheistic religion and followed Yahweh’s spoken directives.

3. Zoroastrianism

The third-oldest religion in the world is Zoroastrianism. The cornerstone of this religion is laid by the ideas described in the book Jenda Avesta.

The precise beginning of Zoroastrianism is disputed; some claim it happened in the sixth century B.C., while others claim it happened almost a thousand years earlier.

The prophet Zoroaster delivered his teachings, spiritual insights, and wisdom to Persia thousands of years ago. Zoroastrianism is based on monotheism and the veneration of Ahura Mazda.

Zoroastrianism preaches the “law of Asha,” which emphasizes the value of morality and the truth. Only a few hundred thousand Zoroastrians remain from the time when it governed the Persian Empire.

Zoroastrianism had an impact on many religions, including Islam and Christianity. In the middle of the sixth century A.D., Muslims conquered Persia, and many Zoroastrians converted to Islam as their new faith.

The fundamental ideas and symbols that underpin Zoroastrianism are numerous. Fire is a representation of illumination and purification, and the Faravahar stands for eternity.

Zoroastrian believers believed that because these ancient temples contained an altar with a burning fire, Ahura Mazda had given them to the people.

In towers known as dakhmas, Zoroastrian bodies were housed so they might rest before being buried.

4. Jainism

The Jain faith is the fourth-oldest in the world. Both Buddhism and Jainism can be linked to Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) as a structured representation. According to the ancient Indian religion of Jainism, the secret to emancipation and pleasure is to live a good and selfless life.

Currently, there are six million Jains living in India, which represents less than 2% of the country’s overall population. India’s Jain population is centered in Gujarat and Rajasthan.

A large number of immigrants arrived in East Africa from where they later came to Britain, where they now number over 30,000. The aim of a Jain’s existence is to accomplish soul redemption.

Jainism is one of the earliest world religions or philosophical systems. Lord Rishabhdev (Adinath) is the first of the 24 Tirthankaras, while Mahavir Swami is the last and most well-known.

Its origins are in the Shraman tradition of India. Those who follow “Jin” are referred to as “Jains.” The English word “Jin” derives from the Sanskrit metal “Zi”.

5. Shinto Religion

The fifth-oldest religion in the world is Shinto. The Kami-no-Michi traditional religion of Japan is based on methodically carrying out rites to create a bridge between the present and the country’s historical past. a substantial and important religion in Japan.

There are various kami deities there. Each Kami represents a distinct natural force. It has many Buddhist ideas interwoven into it and is strongly related with Buddhism. Estimates place the number of followers at 3 million worldwide. A center of worship is a jinja.

All around Japan, there are shrines dedicated to the Kami. The Jinja’s entry is marked by the Torii, which also serves as a sacred area’s boundary.

6. Confucianism

Because it promotes both spiritual and societal ideals, many people consider the religion founded by the scholar Confucius in 600 B.C. to be both a political philosophy and a religion.

For instance, Confucius emphasized the hierarchical nature of society and distinguished between three fundamental relationships: father and son, husband and wife, and king and minister.

In contrast to his philosophy, Confucius maintained that his teachings came directly from Heaven. He spread the notion that reality beyond the material world and included other realms as well.

He believed that life should be governed by five key principles. First, the origins of humanness and goodness are pursuing virtue and prioritizing relationships. Second, morality is necessary for friendship and humanity.

Confucius stressed the necessity of decorum and ritual in honoring occasions and conformity to social traditions in his third rule.

Confucius also believed that wisdom and knowledge were intrinsically linked. Last but not least, trustworthiness is a prerequisite for credibility and connection preservation.

7. Buddhism


Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism in 560 B.C. He discovered enlightenment, a state of wisdom and contentment, in his effort to grasp the significance of life’s extremes.

His devotees called him “the Buddha,” which is a term for enlightenment. His entire life was committed to teaching others about spiritual enlightenment. The Four Noble Truths are the fundamental tenets of Buddhism. Samudaya, Nirhodha, Magga, and Dukkha are these. They stand for suffering, its cause, its solution, and the path leading to its release.

The Four Noble Truths contribute to a greater understanding of enlightenment by assisting humanity in understanding suffering and conquering it.

Buddhism lays a strong focus on spiritual practices like meditation rather than the concept of a superior being. The path to enlightenment is predestined, and it includes upholding morality and exercising wisdom. Even Buddhists who meditate gain from knowing the truth.

The route to enlightenment and the practice of meditation are dynamic, so they may evolve over time in reaction to external events and newly found ways. Buddhism, like Hinduism, uses the swastika symbol and promotes rebirth, karma, and dharma.

Buddhists are permitted to worship both within and outside the home, including monasteries and other places of worship. The Dalai Lama and other religious leaders who uphold moral and enlightenment-promoting norms are monks.

Studying numerous Buddhist texts, including the Tipitaka and the Sutras, will help a Buddhist adherent comprehend the truths contained in Buddhist writings. There are many diverse forms of Buddhism, including Theravada, Mahayana, and Tibetan Buddhism.

8. Taoism

Taoism emerged in China between 450 and 500 A.D. Chinese traditions and practices served as the foundation for this religion’s growth. The founders of Taoism wished to protect the ancient Chinese traditions that Buddhism’s growth posed a threat to.

Taoism was first followed by educated and wealthy people, but over time it has attracted followers from lower social classes. Therefore, different Taoist traditions and practices are preferred depending on the type of follower.

The term “Tao” denotes “the path,” which encompasses the most important elements of existence. The Yin-Yang symbol, which stands for the universe’s boundless capacity for expansion and change, is harmonious with Taoism.

Another symbol that stands for perfection is the crane. Taoism has a strong emphasis on self-improvement and self-control exercises, which are derived from the concept of sham, which is Chinese for “goodness.” Taoism does not have a specific prophet or holy text.

The Taoist religion never formed a core set of values because many of its tenets were taken from native rites and because its priests led ceremonies rather than serving as followers of a message from a higher power.

9. Christianity

Christianity was founded in the year 30 A.D. on the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, a Jewish man born in Nazareth. Several Judaic laws that had influenced Jewish culture for centuries were repealed by Jesus.

Instead, he preached that redemption was only possible via faith in his person and his doctrine, even as he claimed to be the Son of God. Jesus’ 12 disciples carried his message to Israel.

Jesus’ followers founded the Christian church after his death and resurrection, and the apostle Paul eventually spread it across the Middle East and Europe.

Christianity’s fundamental tenets depend on loving God, the same Yahweh that Jews revere. plus others. Christianity also places a strong emphasis on the importance of virtues like self-control, goodness, humility, and faithfulness, to name a few.

The doctrines and teachings of Christianity are found in the Holy Bible, a holy book revered by Christians. The Bible provides a historical narrative of Hebrew daily life as well as specifics of Jesus’ life and what took place after his death.

There are many different Christian denominations, including Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran. The two main groups of Christians are Protestants and Catholics.

Catholicism predominated in Europe until Martin Luther, a monk, voiced criticisms of the Catholic Church. Martin Luther had an impact on Protestantism, which differs from the Catholic Church in that it does not include a hierarchy of priests, bishops, cardinals, and a pope.

Protestantism, on the other hand, promotes the establishment of small congregations headed by pastors who are autonomous of strong religious figures like the Pope.

10. Islam

The monotheistic religion of Islam holds that Prophet Hood and Allah Almighty are one and the same. According to “Pew Research Center” estimates from 2015, there are currently 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. On the world, 2.9 billion people are projected to live by 2060.

Islam is a monotheistic religion descended from the Yahwist patriarch Abraham, like Judaism and Christianity. Worship is given to Allah, who gave the revelation to the last prophet Muhammad in 610 A.D. through the angel Gabriel.

Islam is the religion of “submission to God’s will.” Muslims hold the view that Allah must give his blessing to all they do. Muslims believe that prior Judeo-Christian prophets undoubtedly lived, but they view Muhammad as the final prophet to proclaim Allah’s rule.

Islam is built on the concept of jihad, which means “struggle.” Muslims face challenges in their ability to uphold their faith in the face of both internal and external conditions. Islam’s Five Pillars are the five tenets or pillars that make up the Islamic faith.

They are salat, zakat, sawm, hajj, and shahada. Each pillar outlines specific steps a Muslim must take to show his or her religion. The sawm, for instance, discusses the value of fasting during the Islamic festival of Ramadan.

The fundamental religious text that Muslims follow is the Quran, which provides details on the background and teachings of the prophet Muhammad.

The Quran is the fundamental source of religious doctrine in Islam, second only to Allah. Sunni and Shiite Islam are two of the many distinct subgroups within the religion of Islam.

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