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Why pumpkin seeds the health of your gut, liver, heart, and brain is improved (2023)

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are a nutritious snack that can contribute to the improvement of various aspects of your health, including your gut, liver, heart, and brain.

Congratulations on Halloween! Less than a week separates us from the spookiest day of the year, and front porches around have turned into exhibition spaces for jack-o’-lantern sculptures.

In my household, Dad is the carver—I don’t have that title—with the little guy’s assistance. My role? to guarantee that all of the delicious intestines are separated from the seeds and roast to a perfectly salted, brown color.

I make sure another kitchen tool is prepared before grabbing the roasting pan, oil, and salt. My spinner for salads! Since my kid, who is now in college, was small, I have been using it to produce delicious roasted pumpkin seeds. What you should know is as follows.

A salad spinner: what is it?

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t feel guilty about it. I promise you that you are not by yourself. A kitchen appliance called a salad spinner is used to wash and drain extra liquid out of lettuce and other salad greens.

Salad spinners are typically made of plastic and feature a smaller colander inside a larger outer bowl. By pressing the spinning mechanism on the lid, you may spin the colander and push liquid into the outside bowl. In order for the dressing to stick to the greens, they must come out dry.

How to Prepare Pumpkin Seeds with a Salad Spinner

After carving your pumpkin, you’re left with a large bowl full of sticky pulp and seeds. The simplest method, if you’re like me, is to wash them in cold water and use your fingers to gently remove the seeds from the flesh.

The salad spinner comes into play here. I add the wet seeds and any pulp fragments that didn’t come off the first time to the colander insert. I spin them for a couple of minutes, the same way I spin lettuce. The water runs off, and occasionally the orange goo fragments also disappear. The seeds are prepared for oil, seasoning, and roasting because they are dry. Pro Tip: If some of the pulp does not fall away, don’t worry. I leave a small amount of attachment on the seeds since it gives them flavor and makes them taste deliciously nutty! Consider roasting squash!

Does roasting require that pumpkin seeds be completely dry?

Absolutely! Pumpkin seeds that are damp will become a soggy mess if you try to add any oil or seasonings to them. A salad spinner is an excellent tool to help dry out seeds before cooking so they become golden, crispy, and tasty.

I hope your jack-o’-lanterns are the cutest (or spookiest) on the street this Halloween. Above all, though, I hope you have some wonderful pumpkin seeds to nibble on while the youngsters rip through their bags of candy. Just keep in mind that your new pumpkin is your salad spinner.

Recipe for pumpkin seed snacks

Moreover, Costello demonstrated to “GMA” how to prepare spiced and sweet pumpkin seeds, which serve as a delightful and lively party snack.


For sweet seeds

1 tablespoon butter, melted

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

For spicy seeds

1 tablespoon oil

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon paprika

1/8 teaspoon pepper


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